Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Living the Veggie Life

If you recall a few months back, I gave up meat for Lent. Well, Easter has long passed and I am sticking to my guns and have maintained my Vegetarian status. I love veggies, cheeses and seafood but sometimes being a veggie is A LOT harder then it sounds. I have found this to be most difficult when cooking for one. I am no Giada in the kitchen but I do enjoy whipping up tasty treats every now and then and have developed a few tips to share with you folks..

  • Head to your local organic store. This could be Trader Joes, Whole Foods, The Fresh Market or any other place specializing in organic foods. I have found these places to be hot spots for the most yummy vegetarian options.
  • Keep pasta's creative. Pasta can get boring if you opt for the same type every time. Mix up your sauces, spices and pasta types to keep it fresh. My personal fave is Rising Farms Organic Pastas. They have all sorts of options: Butternut Sqaush is a personal fave!
  • Spices. Spices can jazz up any meal and give your dinner an extra pop! I personally like my dinner a little on the spicier side and luckily there are tons of options to kick my taste buds up a notch.
  • Vitamins! Take them. I am anemic and have been since I was young so I have to be extra careful with this one. For most, a multi-vitamin will do the trick. One a Day has a plethora of choices.
  • Many restaurants will help you out. If you mention your a vegetarian they may have special options to satisfy your palette.
  • Cut up fruits and veggies as soon as you get home from the grocery store. This is key since you are most likely to eat them if they are conviently pre-cut. I have wasted countless fuits and veggies by not eating them before they go bad.
  • Protein. Whether you eat protein bars (Luna is a personal fave) or nuts, make sure you get the recommended amount of this crucial vitamin.
  • Carry a snack with you. I have been in countless situations where I am absolutely starved and there are no vegetarian options. Something as simple as a cup of applesauce or a cheese stick will hold you over until you are able to find something to suit your needs.

What are your vegetarian tips?


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