Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Birthday Sentiment

Tomorrow I will be turning the big 2-4. It really is amazing how time just seems to FLY by these days. It feels like just yesterday I was celebrating turning 22. I usually don't get too personal in my posts but today I decided to be a little sentimental and make a list of the things I wish I knew, would have done and things I should not have done when I turned 18...

1. You're mom is ALWAYS right! It may not seem like it now, but she really is your biggest fan and will do anything for you. Yes, even pick you up from a bar (underage) at 2 am on a Tuesday and take you home.

2. Is ANOTHER tattoo really necessary?

3. When you get to college, GO TO CLASS. Yes, the beach may be tempting as are the Margaritas but do your future GPA a favor and Go!

4. Relish every minute of this year. Remember the hours you spent getting ready for Prom, those silly Senior Week pranks, BEACH WEEK, the feeling of walking across the stage at graduation and the jitters you had before your very first day of college. Soon these moments will just be memories.

5. Keep in better touch with friends from High School, they will all come back into your life at some point, if you let them.

6. Take it easy on that one guy. Did he really deserve to have his heart torn out and stomped on?

7. Talk to your Grandpa every chance you get, even if he does call at 6 am to tell you the fishing updates. One day you won't be able to pick up a phone to call him.

8. Don't sneak out of the house...

9. Hang out with your little sister all the time. She is only 9 and will sob uncontrollably the entire ride home from South Carolina after dropping you off at college. And yes, she will name you her hero in a 5th grade essay.

10. Live every single moment to the fullest and enjoy your is a passing moment.

And always, always, always remember that you are loved : )


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