Monday, March 26, 2012


Last Thursday I bought The Hunger Games. I have never been one to get caught in all the hoopla over  books and movies but have heard rave reviews about the Suzanne Collins novel so I decided to pick up a copy. Purchased at 8:00 on Thursday evening I was well into it by Friday...with less than 100 pages left I finished it on Sunday. The book was a pure page turner. I was hooked. I can see how folks have become so obsessed with a teen-targeted novel. I highly recommend. Spending the past few days reading during every free moment (which wasn't much) that I could possibly muster really got me thinking about nooks and how I desperately need one. Here are some prime examples of simple, yet perfect nooks...

Don't they look just divine? I can totally see myself curled up with my next book and a cup of tea.
Have you read The Hunger Games? What were your thoughts?


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